What Is … ?.

Gain a better understanding of key terms and technologies in the pharmaceutical labeling space. We answer all your burning questions in a concise and compelling format.

Structured Product Labeling
Structured Product Labeling (SPL)

Pharmaceutical label tracking helps to ensure that only the highest quality drugs are produced and distributed to the public.

Pharmaceutical Label Tracking
Pharmaceutical Label Tracking

Pharmaceutical label tracking helps to ensure that only the highest quality drugs are produced and distributed to the public.

Regulatory Submission Software
What is SPL Submission Software?

Regulatory submission software takes the guesswork out of Structured Product Labeling (SPL)/Structured Product Monograph (SPM) submissions by giving you real-time validations.

Pharmaceutical Labeling
What is Pharmaceutical Labeling?

Pharmaceutical labels are mandatory for marketing and selling a drug. It’s critical for pharma companies to have a reliable way to track every difference and change, all around the world.

Need a specialized regulatory solution? Talk to us.

Need better regulatory tools? Talk to us.

Have questions about our tools or service? Talk to one of our experts or request a demo of our Tracking or SPL Portal software today.